Starting your plan for social media marketing in a small or big business should be driven by a need or a reason

Why use Social Media - because your customers are using it!

First step in your social media marketing plan is to open powerpoint or write on a flipchart the reason why you need to use social media, some good reasons include:

  • most of our target audience use social media (no brainer), or
  • because visits to your brand or company website are down as our customers spend more time on social media sites (better)
  • to deliver a sales & marketing programme using online & social media

There are probably plenty of other good reasons you can think of. The point to remember is these are all good quantifiable reasons.

The second thing to remember is that these reasons involve engaging the customer in conversations - marketing speak we all can love! What this means is you need to be active & involved in the customer conversation. Don’t think you can sit back and launch a Facebook fan page or a Twitter account to just ‘monitor’ online things.

Rule 3 - You need to use social media because its where your customers are and you need to engage with them! Don’t sit back and be passive.

Tags: marketing mix, Marketing Strategy, Rules for Social Media Marketing, Social Media

Read more from my blog for an introduction and quick tips on developing in Hugo or UCTD.

Meet the author

Photo for Damien Saunders
Damien Saunders
An experienced management consultant and business leader interested in digital transformation, product centred design and scaled agile. If I'm not writing about living with UCTD (an autoimmune disease), I'm probably listening to music, reading a book or learning more about wine.
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