Integrated marketing with WordPress is easy - you only need a few plugins to have a powerful website at the heart of your digital marketing.

WordPress plugins there are thousands to choose from and they are so easy to install. I tend to be cutting edge and try new plugins a lot , but here are some of the best plugins to improve WordPress for social media and digital marketing.

The point here is that writing original content can be easy - but your great works need to be found. Online or Digital Marketing is not just for selling a product or a brand - its about selling you. So maybe take a look at your own marketing needs and then see if these plugins help.

by Alex King & Crowd Favorite

Do you envy those posts from Mashable that are called ‘35 favourite resources you might have missed’ or ‘200+ popular posts on -’ - well greed is good and using the popularity plugin you can recreate these posts yourself.

Using What’s Popular helps readers find something else to click on and read. Helpful for improving average visit duration.

If only I could figure out how to get WordPress to write this post automatically each month. Then I’d be out of a writing job!


E-Mail Marketing

Widgets by Mailchimp, WooThemes

E-mail sign-up and regular newsletters are good ways for growing customer engagement beyond likes and follows.

I use Mailchimp - I like Mailchimp - it’s ‘free’, which makes it easier to sell to clients and means I can play around with Newsletters, autoresponders and more. This Mailchimp Widget makes its easy to add a sign-up form in any sidebar.

If you prefer WooThemes or Campaign Monitor - then newer WordPress themes by Woothemes now come with a number of free widgets for Campaign Monitor and Mailchimp. Nice!



by Richard K Miller

What Would Seth Godin Do? I don’t know - I haven’t finished reading Lynchpin and that has nothing to do with this plugin. The idea here is any new or returning visitor is presented with a text message or call to action at the top or bottom of your posts and pages. The brilliant part is that it is for new or returning visitors - while its just as easy to find a plugin that looks lovely and tells the ‘reader’ (you) where you came from (google, digg, etc) the origin of search is not so important here.

Out of the box, this plugin welcomes visitors suggesting they might like to subscribe to your RSS feed. For existing visitors it suggests to subscribe to your RSS feed by email.


WordTwit Pro

by Bravenewcode

Twitter integration is critical for social media marketing - to help drive your Twitter followers to your website and hopefully gain a few re-tweets and new followers based on your good blog writing.

“>WordTwit Pro improves on similar plugins it not only tweets new posts, but gives you full control of the hashtags. This means your tweets have more than just the post title and its shortened URL.

Tags: social media marketing, WordPress, Content Management

Read more from my blog for an introduction and quick tips on developing in Hugo or UCTD.

Meet the author

Photo for Damien Saunders
Damien Saunders
An experienced management consultant and business leader interested in digital transformation, product centred design and scaled agile. If I'm not writing about living with UCTD (an autoimmune disease), I'm probably listening to music, reading a book or learning more about wine.
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