WordPress Plugin DBC-Backup-2 banner

Here’s a bit of a post-mortem on DBC Backup 2, this was my first WordPress plugin which did a safe back-up and export of your SQL database.


DBC Backup 2 created its own SQL file and exported this to the users web folder (and later download was added). The original idea was not my own - I took on an ‘orphaned’ plugin. So it was something of a passion project.

DBC Backup 2 was download more than 14,000 times according to WordPress.org

So What Killed it? Why?

I stopped developing it in 2013 primarily due to changes in my life and work. I was moving house, had no development tools and was travelling every week for work.

In addtion MySQL and WordPress changed … so there was no longer a need for this custom SQL script, people could access PHP MyAdmin or other tools. The competition was fierce … there were other free options which had serious developer teams looking after them.


I wouldn’t use it in production now, it’s been six years. If you are interested in SQL and learning more about it and WordPress - DBC Backup 2 archive is now online.

Tags: WordPress, DBC Backup 2

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Meet the author

Photo for Damien Saunders
Damien Saunders
An experienced management consultant and business leader interested in digital transformation, product centred design and scaled agile. If I'm not writing about living with UCTD (an autoimmune disease), I'm probably listening to music, reading a book or learning more about wine.
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