As travel professionals know, your customers want holiday experiences to always remember and preferably off the beaten trail. This week I started a new series focused on Ideas using Foursquare for social media marketing with guides that will help increase customer satisfaction and improve retention.

Today, I will be looking at how you can use social media to offer up some pretty amazing travel experiences using Foursquare. If your clients don’t want to read a Time Out or carry a Lonely Planet - then Foursquare is the perfect guide for locals!

Easy guide to Foursquare Marketing

Try these tips to get value added to social media marketing

Create your travel store on Foursquare

  1. Create your own store or travel brand identity on foursquare
  2. Put a Add To Do tip button on your website and blog
  3. Cross promote Foursquare on your website, email news, Twitter, Facebook or printed material
  4. Tell your customers to put Foursquare on their mobile to discover places to go while they are away
  5. Checkin and leave tips at interesting locations just like locals or tourists do.
  6. Create Tips on Foursquare that help get people visiting your shop or website.
  7. Create a list of key tourist places including the Foursquare short url for them.

Advanced Tip - use Twitter & Foursquare to follow and friend your clients - invite them to ask you ‘questions’ about places to go see.

Do you need help with Foursquare marketing? Let me manage your social media marketing? I’ll give you an individual proposal tailored to your needs.

Tags: featured, Foursquare, holiday, ideas using foursquare, marketing, tourism, travel

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Meet the author

Photo for Damien Saunders
Damien Saunders
An experienced management consultant and business leader interested in digital transformation, product centred design and scaled agile. If I'm not writing about living with UCTD (an autoimmune disease), I'm probably listening to music, reading a book or learning more about wine.
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