Are Twitter Followers better than Facebook Fans was a topic discussed on emarketer recently. It’s a question I get asked all the time - relatively speaking - Which is the best social network to start social media marketing? The thing is you need to try them both at the same time.

And here is the problem every social network has its pro’s and cons - and here is the answer. If you were a criminal, on trial in the Old Bailey, the prosecution’s job is to prove you had the intention of committing a crime, so it was just an accident.  The same is true for social media marketing  - well not all marketers are criminals!

The Case Against Facebook Fans

The case is simple - anyone can press a like button - On Facebook I am a Fan of Music, the London Barbican and Joanna Newsom - it doesn’t mean that I’m going to buy a ticket to see Joanna Newsom perform her latest album at the Barbican (she didn’t she played at Royal Festival Hall). So from my point of view, a Like or adding yourself as a Fan has next to no value. ‘I had no intention’ is the plea from the criminal.

Open and Shut Case?

The Case Against Twitter

I have said that Twitter is a river of noise and that it is pointless trying to follow every individual tweet that a business or person makes. You wouldn’t have the time! and that is the problem. Marketing on Twitter can be like trying to catch a fish in a dried up lake - You cant! and if there is low usage in Twitter in your country, you may argue there is no point. ‘Not Guilty’ cries the defence.

Case Closed!

Twitter Followers make better value for ROI

Twitter is better for social media marketing because your message can be followed, linked to, forwarded to friends and can include a url that links to your website or landing page.

Assuming you have your marketing strategy right, you will know why you are using Twitter for business marketing and you will be send out the right messages on Twitter as a result.

When Twitter has more value for social media marketing

Outside of North America and Western Europe, there needs to be an established base and good usage of Twitter in your country to make Twitter (or Facebook) work for social media marketing. Or I would look at smartphone sales as an indicator of potential app usage and relevance of Twitter.

The primary thing to remember is that unless there is a game or some lead / conversion mechanism, then you should start again with your [ id=”1192″ type=”post”]social media marketing strategy[/].


Tags: featured, social media marketing, Twitter

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Photo for Damien Saunders
Damien Saunders
An experienced management consultant and business leader interested in digital transformation, product centred design and scaled agile. If I'm not writing about living with UCTD (an autoimmune disease), I'm probably listening to music, reading a book or learning more about wine.
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