Managing wifi on your Android mobile phone can be a hassle, so at least there are now 3 good apps for you to use to make your wifi experience better.

Is the most technical looking of the 3 apps - turning it on was a bit of shock when compared to the user experience of the other 2 apps. WiFinder only has 1 button aptly labelled New Scan. You then press and hold on the WiFi SSID to see the more familar Android Wifi Connect.

There is a check box for ‘only show open Ap’ which in laymans term means ‘free wifi’. You’d use Wifinder to checkout the networks around you and determine if there is channel overlap causing interference in your wifi.

Get wifinder here

One of the first wifi managers, this still has some good features like being able to force 3G to stay off, connect over wifi when roaming and so on. Though I find that at the end of the day - being on an unlimited data plan I just leave my wifi on.

Get wi-sync here

WeFi Connect claimed to be building a socialnetwork or database of free wifi access points in every city - for all I know, it may still be trying to do that. Apparently, it sends data about the access point you are using back to the wefi connect central - so perhaps big brother could be watching you?

WeFi Connect has had a number of user experience updates over the past year - it now needs another as I suspect the icons and other graphics look a bit badly optimised for newer Android phones, so a lot of users might not like WeFi for this reason.

Get weFi Connect here

Tags: Android, apps, wifi

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Photo for Damien Saunders
Damien Saunders
An experienced management consultant and business leader interested in digital transformation, product centred design and scaled agile. If I'm not writing about living with UCTD (an autoimmune disease), I'm probably listening to music, reading a book or learning more about wine.
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