What a year 2011 was … over 31,000 people visited my site which is a growth of about 47% year on year.
So thank you to all of you who came, read and left … and to the few of you who do come back again and again.
Google Analytics Web Trends
I’ve been using Google Analytics since I moved to stand-alone WordPress in 2009. I support agencies and brands to develop complex reporting and engagement insights using Google Analytics.
I believe the bounce rate is pretty good as most people visit, read and leave. This is pretty common for blog-type websites. The high percentage of new visitors is pretty much related to one very old post of mine. It’s popular for anyone interested in cross-browser testing.
1 Jan 2011 - 30 Dec 2011
- 31,128 people visited this site
- 70,549 Pageviews
- 2.10 Pages/Visit
- 27.42% Bounce Rate
- 92.59% % New Visits
1 Jan 2010 - 31 Dec 2010
- 21,191 people visited this site
- 55,573 Pageviews
- 2.31 Pages/Visit
- 40.74% Bounce Rate
- 87.97% % New Visits
Ouch … in March this year, I had no GA analytics data for a month due to problems with of ‘authentication’ between the plugin I used and Google.
Some notes - I exclude (filtering) visits from my own IP or work IP addresses. I use Yoast’s Google Analytics for WordPress plugin and compliment it with event tracking which I’ve setup.
Slideshare Presentation Trends
My Slideshare presentations were viewed over 14,000 times last year … perhaps you should head over to look at my stuff there.
Read more from my blog for an introduction and quick tips on developing in Hugo or UCTD.