Hugo Logo

Welcome … and say Hello to Hugo.

I’m sorry to say my love affair with WordPress is at an end. I moved on, and over the last few years, found maintaining my old site painful. It was time to move.

It’s not all WordPress fault - I’ve had continue problems of short outages after my web host was bought out by another company. After migrating to a new server, I lost all my sub-domains so WordPress Multisite was of no use.

So now I’ve changed to Hugo a static site generator (SSG).

Tags: Hugo

Read more from my blog for an introduction and quick tips on developing in Hugo or UCTD.

Meet the author

Photo for Damien Saunders
Damien Saunders
An experienced management consultant and business leader interested in digital transformation, product centred design and scaled agile. If I'm not writing about living with UCTD (an autoimmune disease), I'm probably listening to music, reading a book or learning more about wine.
Find our more about me.