Are you responsible for Twitter and Social Media in your business? Perhaps you’ve been feeling a bit lost after CoTweet closed its free version (shame on them) - here are a few alternatives you can look at
- yes I said alternative to CoTweet - personally, I like to use my own Pro URL so this was not an option.
- Hootsuite has a very reasonably priced premium version and it has clients for pretty much any device
- MarketMeSuite is looking the most promising ‘free’ solution.
Integrated with LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter
Tools for scheduling tweets just like CoTweet or HootSuite.
- GroupTweet could be good for sharing access to 1 Twitter account in much the same way as CoTweet
I’d forgotten all about SocialBro til a colleague showed me the latest logged in / dashboard.
Definitely one to join and compare.
Read more from my blog for an introduction and quick tips on developing in Hugo or UCTD.