So this follows an earlier post of mine about Virtualbox and running Windows XP on a Macbook Pro. Virtualbox is a great piece of software for running virtual operating systems on another machine (like runing Windows 7 on a Mac OSX).
Today’s guide shows that you can be up n running with Windows 7 RC in about 15 minutes - thats got to be good ??
So Grab your Windows 7 RC1 ISO file from the Windows website, grab a copy of Virtualbox for Mac and get going. Please keep your Microsoft Windows 7 product key handy.
Virtualbox - Setup a new Windows 7 Guest OS
The latest version of Virtualbox already has an option for Windows 7 so just select this.
Set your RAM to at least 1GB as recommended by Windows
You can use an existing Windows Virtualdrive if you wanted (as an upgrade) but I prefer to create a new one
Then go to your Settings and mount the Windows 7 ISO file which is what you want to start when you ’turn on’ your virtual PC.
Now just run that Virtualbox Windows 7 guest and it will start the installation process.
Configuring the Windows 7 and Virtualbox Guest Additions
Guest Additions is the nice little Virtualbox package that allows seamless inter-operability between Windows Guest and the Mac OS for the Mouse and also for cut n paste for text.
But when you are setting up Windows 7 guest in the mac osx, you will need your Product Key that Microsoft gave you - and you can’t cut n paste it -
The latest version of Virtualbox fixes issues in previous releases where the internet wouldn’t work if you were using a Macbook .. nice one thanks 🙂
also in the latest version, the Virtualbox Guest Addtions are back in the menu .. so once Windows 7 is running go to Devices menu > Install Guest Additions
So that’s it - you’re now setup with a Windows 7 guest with a Mac OSX host using Virtualbox - go enjoy those new Windows things
see also - How to setup Winxp guest on mac os x
Tags:Read more from my blog for an introduction and quick tips on developing in Hugo or UCTD.