Summary: We still have a long way to go to accept adverts on your mobile. While Europeans have said yes to Mobile TV and no to paid for advertising, the US is talking up one-second adverts called ‘Blinks’.

Clear Communications is talking to media buyers and agenices about blinks - one-second adverts that allow just enought time to recognise the brand by its gingle. You can imagine that two syllable Danone  or perhaps the McDonalds ‘I’m Loving it’ - or maybe you’ll hear someone shout out ‘Drink Pepsi’ in a sudden and startling manner.

“You can’t use a one-second campaign for something that generally has not been advertised before.” says Jim Gaither, director-broadcast at Richards Group. But if 3-4 second ads work on Radio - could a one second image/jingle work on your mobile?

European mobile customers are interested in mobile TV and video calling, but are not interested in receiving advertisements on their mobiles, says a study released by Portio Research.  Advertising was considered particularly unacceptable if it intruded on paid-for time while watching mobile TV. 

This has big implications for all the operators and broadcasters who want to get a slice of the annual global advertising spend. Right now including ads while someone is watching live streaming TV is both questionable and difficult to control - with operators sometimes stuck with a choice of blank screens or showing the ads to their customers. Impressions are high right now, and a customer will turn off TV if its showing nothing.

Some standard has to be set for signalling breaks in adverts to the streaming servers so that they can push a 4, 30, or 60 second advert during a channel break. Operators may need to offer two styles of advertising depending on the markets - uninteruppted shows with 5min ad breaks or 2mins of ads every 15 mins. 


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Meet the author

Photo for Damien Saunders
Damien Saunders
An experienced management consultant and business leader interested in digital transformation, product centred design and scaled agile. If I'm not writing about living with UCTD (an autoimmune disease), I'm probably listening to music, reading a book or learning more about wine.
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