Have you tried Piwik yet? If you’ve been using Google Analytics and started to wonder what alternative web analytic tools are out there then look no further then Piwik.
Piwik is a web analytics solution that is free and runs on your own server. It provides a lot of similar features to Google Analytics and will run alongside Google Analytics anyway.
Why stick with Google Analytics?
Now I love GA and will always implement it as a first choice.
Web analytics solutions like Google Analytics offer an amazing array of features - goal tracking, event tracking and custom variables. This is more than enough for most web analytics and marketing insights. So stick with GA if you’re happy.
Why Change? GA doesn’t allow tracking customer identifiable data.
GA’s Terms of Service prevent the tracking of customer identifiable data. This means if you run a membership based website, you can not use GA if you wanted to tag visitor data with their member number.
If you’re in need of tracking customer usage data then you’ll need another tool. This is why you need Piwik.
What do you think? Why did you want to use Piwik or look for an alternative to Google Analytics?
Tags:Read more from my blog for an introduction and quick tips on developing in Hugo or UCTD.